Sănătatea mintală a părinților copiilor prematuri poate avea un impact major asupra legăturii familiale și chiar indirect asupra dezvoltării bebelușului. Prin urmare, este deosebit de important să identificăm din timp potențialele probleme de sănătate mintală și să oferim sprijinul adecvat în situațiile dificile. Luna aceasta, calendarul #ESCNH evidențiază importanța examinărilor de sănătate mintală parentală.
The mental health of parents of #preterm infants can have major impacts on the family bond and even indirectly on the baby’s development. Therefore, it is especially important to identify potential mental health problems early and offer the appropriate support during challenging situations. This month, the #ESCNH calendar highlights the importance of parental mental health screenings.
It is recommended to conduct at least two screenings; after six months of discharge and at the two-year follow-up visit. Opening up the conversation regarding #MentalHealth also helps parents manage potential emotional reactions while supporting their self-confidence as preterm parents. Additionally, the development of guidelines for screenings enables health professionals and health services to provide families with the appropriate and best possible care during this sometimes overwhelming journey.
Mai multe aici: https://newborn-health-
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